100k page-views in 14 days from one rebrandable report

Written by Damir Horvat
Here's 14-days of traffic from one ebook published in March 2016:
Simple 9-page review PDF pulled-in almost 100,000 pageviews and 40,000 visitors in just 14 days (and that was in March 2016)!
100k pageviews and 40k visits from one single rebrandable 9-page PDF report - and it's not even good looking...
How do I know these numbers?
Simple - the guy who wrote it used (and it's still using) RebranderPro to get the PDF to spread so fast and wide.
(I'll try to get him on Skype and interview him on how's and what's he's been doing...)
How would you like to control this kind of traffic - and direct it anywhere you'd like? On your website, on affiliate link of yours, on CPA offer, on... Ahh, you get my point.
All you need is a hot-titled ebook, put in affiliate link or two (preferably to your product/service), have them rebrandable and let the PDFs rip...
Sure the traffic will trickle at first...
It's not like paying an ad on Facebook where you get traffic couple of seconds after your ad goes live.
But - BUT - Here's the major difference:
Facebook traffic will stop as soon as you turn off the ad, while traffic from your rebrandable ebook will keep coming days, weeks, months and in some cases - years after you've unleashed it.
Again, how do I know this?
Five (or so) years ago I've published my first rebrandable ebook and I still get traffic from it today!
Yes, five years later that ebook still drives traffic my way!
Now I've done a lot of mistakes with that ebook, but still it's getting clicks on the links I've put in there...
One reason why this is even possible is once unleashed, nobody EVER can stop your rebrandable ebooks to spread...
Not even Google!
Not even you!!!
You have to do those brandable reports right...
For one, you have to keep links in branded PDFs alive - at all costs (or those branded PDFs will drive traffic to no-man's land)...
And that's the topic for the next post here...
Till then, take RebranderPro for a spin, you just might like it :)
Hi, I'm Damir, your coder. I've been running this PDF rebrander since 2009 and 16 years later, it's still one of the best PDF rebranders on the market. Join me if you'd like to know more...